So I think we have all had the wish to dress like a Vegas show girl right? Well I finally got the chance to when I convinced my best friend to throw a Vegas themed 21st earlier this year. At first I looked around and tried to find something I could purchase and put together and after nearly deciding on a Wheels and Dollbaby jewelled corset with the matching jewelled satin booty shorts, I ended up deciding on making the feather bustle myself and using a corset from home with my sequinned gold booty shorts from Woodford. So pretty much all of the outfit was able to be picked out of my wardrobe, aside from the copious amounts of diamonds and feather bustle, which is probably the most important part of the showgirl outfit. The diamonds were easy to acquire, lucky for me Colette was having a 40% off most of the jewellery, which coincidentally included all of the diamanté jewellery. So I may have spent around one hundred dollars on lovely jewellery, but I will wear it again and it included everything from hair pieces and chokers, to earrings and sparkly body jewels. With that covered the only part left was the feather bustle something that had to be perfect. The first logical step was Google images, the second was how to videos on YouTube. After ingesting all of that information I devised a plan of how to make the best feather bustle in the easiest way, all it involved was a whoooooole bunch of feather boas, a small bustle tutu (optional) and some fishing line. I only had the one feather boa at home so I ended up going out and buying one of all the colours I deemed necessary for a rainbow feather bustle skirt. This included one pink, red, orange, yellow, dark green, lime green, bright blue, pale blue and a two tone purple one. Basically I lined them all up in the order I stated, minus the two tone purple, and folded each one over the fishing line so that it had a short length on top and folded over to a longer length behind giving it a little extra oomph. One by one each was then simply tied to a length of fishing line with just one knot, some having to be cut to suit the length of the majority. After that was completed I then tied to fishing line with the feathers attached securely to the ribbon of my rainbow bustle skirt ( which is short and consists of tiered lengths of coloured tutu) and tied at around my hips. The final touches where to tuck in the two toned purple boa so it fell nicely over the back of my bustle, and add my already owned red boa to the front of my hips so as to cover where my bustle tied up at the front. Pair that with a sheer black corset from none other than the amazing Honey Birdette, a pair of fully sequin booty shorts, some sick ass fishnets and a boat load of diamon jewellery complete with a hair piece. I truly channelled my inner show girl with this one, and it wasn’t too hard of an outfit to make! I hope this helps anyone who wants to make their own Vegas show girl costume, or even a legendary Mardi Gras costume, I know that’s where I will be wearing it next year. 

This first photo was taken just after finishing the feather bustle. 
This last photo, kindly taken hostage by my mates dad Bogdan, is of when I was at the party. 

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